10 biggest Instagram mistakes destroying your account

With Instagram’s new update, there’s potentially 10 biggest Instagram mistakes which could be destroying your chances of growing.

There are some new must know algorithm changes that are stomping a lot of people’s engagement and reach.

10 biggest Instagram mistakes destroying your Instagram account and how to increase your reach after new Instagram algorithm rollout. Pin this image on Pinterest

A lot of the influencer community has been complaining about their reach and engagement having taken a huge hit.

If you noticed not everyone has been put in the dog house and there’s clear reasons why this is so.

With the new political, health and cyber safety climate, Instagram has put together a team of experts in order to harvest a safer, high quality content, inclusive online community.

Instagram has released what their new recommendations are, they will not “remove your content”, but rest assured that new people won’t see it.

Instagram will not recommend your account to new people nor share it to the explore page.

By avoiding these faux pas, you will be able to reach a larger audience on Instagram successfully.

These are the 10 biggest Instagram mistakes which are hindering your growth and reach.

10 biggest Instagram mistakes which could be destroying your chances of growing on Instagram, here's what to avoid, how to grow on instagram new Pin this image on Pinterest

Posting about products like: tabacco, vaping or anything considered a regulated product.

Instagram will not recommend your content if you share products like tabacco, vaping or alcoholic beverages.

For those influencers who have collaborations wether gifted or sponsored may want to reconsider this type of content.

Posting about cosmetic procedures, loans, miracle cures, weight loss supplements or even forex type of content.

Cosmetic procedures are quite common as content and usually do amazing. This is about to change.

Cures and diet pills are also widely promoted but it’s amazing it won’t be recommended anymore as it can promote dangerous products with potentially severe impacts on your health.

Forex is another sector I’m glad is being suppressed as there’s so many con artists offering this service and can truly affect your finances.

Click bait content

Who doesn’t hate Click bait? What a relief no more unnecessary clicks into the unknown.

There are accounts who offer an enticing offer so that you click for example on their website, post or link.

It can be truly misleading and really annoying.

Engagement bait

Engagement bait is a technique that many influencers use to up their interactions to get pushed by Instagram onto the explore page.

The new algorithm will hinder your post being pushed to reach more people.

Engagement bait will only be seen by your followers.

Content which promotes a giveaway or a contest.

The fact that giveaways and contests will no longer “recommended”, really surprised me.

Some people invest a lot doing these as the amount of followers you can get is high.

However, I understand the reason behind this change, a lot of people grow exponentially for posting continuous giveaways/contests and not because of their content.

Also, there are people who do fake contests and even host fake giveaways and con hopefuls into paying them to participate in the contest or giveaway.

Unoriginal content like meme type of content or what I assume fan pages.

Some pages make it big by reposting content. Repurposing content is the definition of Unoriginal content.

Instagram is upping their game and wants to promote original and high quality quantity.

Repost pages or meme pages will no longer get pushed to new followers and the explore page.

Unfounded/questionable news or information

People who post fake news or unproven information will no longer be recommended.

This is happening right now where conspiracy theories are being shared and are misleading the general public.

Vaccine misinformation

There is a lot of vaccine misinformation especially from antivaxers. These also will not be recommended anymore.

Those who engage in unethical follower building or buying likes.

This is probably obvious but Instagram is building a strong platform in which real and high quality content should only available.

This will make it a marketing super power that will truly give value to businesses.

Engagement groups are also a big faux pas, so steer clear, my advice is to socialise and find like minded people who care about what you post.

Those who share content which is not recommended as a third party

Those who share this type of content either on their feed, story, IGTV, live or reels won’t be recommended.

Even as a third party you could be penalised for this.

Avoiding these mistakes will increase your reach and chance to grow your instagram account successfully.

I hope this post helps you redirect your account if your reach has declined.

This is the latest algorithm change on instagram and when it comes down to Instagram, playing by the rules is worthwhile.

If you are looking for further Instagram growth tips, here is one of my most popular articles: 8 Instagram Hacks for small content creators sure to raise your Instagram game.

If you would like to read more about the algorithm recommendations changes Instagram has broadly outlined who they don’t recommend here.


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