I am going to take you step by step through how to make your first Tiktok video.
What is Tiktok?
Tiktok is social media, short video sharing platform.
Social media times are evolving and a rebranded social platform has taken over the Internet by storm.
Tiktok was previously known as Musically.
As social media influencers we have to evolve with the times and Tiktok is the way to go at the moment.

How To Make A TikTok Video
Making a video is simple here is all you need to know to create your Tiktok video.
1. Firstly and foremost you have to download the Tiktok app from your app store.

2. When coming up with a username I suggest you create one that’s easy to search.
3. My Tiktok link is SAVANASBLOG.

4. Set up your Bio with a picture and profile info. Tiktok also gives you the chance to link your Instagram and YouTube channels directly to your profiles.

5. The Tiktok platform has a “Following” and “For you” tab. In the “Following” tab you will get to see the content of the people you are following. Note, that this is not in any chronological order but rather popularity order.
On the “For you” tab, you will be exposed to content and users based on the videos you watch or engage with. The more you engage with the Tiktok content the more targeted the suggested content will be. Bear in mind, that people spend more time browsing the “For you” page.

6. To create your first Tiktok video go to the bar on the bottom of your profile and tap on the “+” button.

7. First, press on the Sound tab at the top of the page to choose the music you may wish to use for your video.

8. Record your video by pressing on the big RED CIRCLE at the bottom of your screen.

9. You may notice that there are some numbers at the bottom, 0.3 x, 0.5 x, 1x, 2x and 3x. These numbers represent the speed you can record at.
10. At the side on the left of the screen you have
FLIP – for choosing which camera to use aether it’s your selfie or front camera.
SPEED – makes the speed recording tab appear and disappear.
BEAUTY – allows using a beauty filter whilst you record.
FILTER – allows you to apply a filter to your recording.
TIMER – allows you to set a timer before you want to record of either 3 seconds or 10. It also allows you to set how long and till which part of the song you want to record, this is extremely useful for TIKTOK TRANSITIONS.

11. On the left bottom side of your recording screen you will notice EFFECTS. This allows you to put brilliant unique effects on your video.

12. On the right bottom side of your recording screen you will notice UPLOAD. This allows you to upload a pre-recorded video. I advise you to upload them in the set Tiktok ratio of 9:16.
13. After you are done recording press on a red tick at the bottom corner. You will be taken over to an editing page which will also allow you to view and edit your recording.
You will be able to change filters, adjust your clips, add voice effects, do voice overs, adjust the volume of your clip, add text, stickers, effects and even change the sound.

14. When you are done editing your video and you are happy with the results press on the RED NEXT button on the right bottom side of the screen.

15.This will take you to a page called POST. Here you will be able to write out your caption, tag people, add hash tags and even select a cover for your video.

16. To select a cover for your video click on Select Cover on the picture of you video.

17. You can choose who can:
VIEW THE VIDEO – public, friends or private.
COMMENT – allow or block.
STICH, DUET AND REACT – on or off.
SAVE TO DEVICE – on or off.

18. At the bottom of the POST PAGE you will notice that you can choose also to share to Instagram, WhatsApp and etc..
You will also notice 2 tabs:
Drafts – it will save your video in the draft section and you can post it at a later time.
POST – A red tab on the right bottom side that will allow you to post your video.

Here you go you made your first Tiktok video. Congratulations!
There you go here’s a useful beginners guide to Tiktok.
I hope you enjoyed coming to grips with a new social media platform.
Don’t forget that playing around with the app will enhance your knowledge on the app.
If you are now addicted to Tiktok find out how to go viral easy on Tiktok.
If you would like more posts about Tiktok comment below and let me know in the comments section.