10 Instagram tips you can’t afford to ignore

After Adam Mosseri’s Q&A advice, which you may have missed, a post was definitely needed to sum up expert advice from the Instaphere, with 10 Instagram tips you can’t afford to ignore.

For those of you that don’t know who Adam Mosseri is, he is the CEO of Instagram.

10 Instagram tips you can't afford to ignore, to grow organically on instagram

Instagram has become a competitive platform to grow on and like all things you must work hard to achieve the goals you set for yourself.

Here are 10 Instagram tips you can’t afford to ignore, which will enable you to organically grow on the platform and allow the algorithm to favour you.

10 instagram Tips you can't afford to ignore 2020

Experiment with content types

Everybody’s audience is different, a great way to assess what content is successful and what isn’t Adam Mosseri advises to experiment to see what works best for you.

Consider Content versus audience

Have you ever sat down and thought of who you produce content for?

You should outline and know who your content is aimed for from the get go. Blagging it and thinking about just creating content and the audience will just turn up just won’t cut it anymore unfortunately.

Define your audience type and produce content which will interest them. This way you can’t go wrong.

For example if your target audience is 15 to 18 year olds girls, then that’s who you will consistently try to keep producing content for. Where do these people hang out? What do they like? Use their interests as an advantage to gain insight into what they would enjoy.

Exploit Video feature popularity

The audiences have generally been leaning toward video content, so you may want to produce more video content.

Video’s unlike photos tend to create deeper connections, people can get to know part of you, look into your eyes, your expressions, whereas a photo is just a photo unfortunately.

Creating that connection with your audience will help you really stand out.

Video makes your audience stay longer on the platform and that’s what instagram wants!!!!!

Come up with new creative ideas

Experiment with new creative way to promote Instagram’s features like IGTV, Reels, Stories, Lives, Guides and so on.

Use the different functions on the platform, your job is to keep people entertained and on the platform.

Stay up to date with Instagram changes

Generally there’s a lot of speculations about Instagram and it’s algorithm, but Instagram has released a public outline of what is admissible and which content they do and don’t recommend.

Keep updated and check directly from Instagram for changes in policy and algorithm.

You will find that if you are able to play by the rules Instagram will allow that organic growth you are very much longing for.

Acknowledge Your account may not cutting it

As times evolve so does content, what may have been working for you last year may not necessarily be cutting it now.

Trends tend to shift and so does the type of content that is popular.

Be ready to question yourself, to evolve, to step outside your comfort zone and be ready to always level up.

It’s not easy but coming up with fresh and innovative ideas should be part of your strategy.

Ask yourself or ask your current followers, pride aside:

Is your content boring?

Is it outdated?

Is it just not cutting it?

Align content to seasonal changes

Try to craft content which aligns with the different seasons. With the different seasons , people’s needs tend to change accordingly.

Grow with the platform changes

Instagram has completely changed, it’s no longer just a picture sharing app but it has evolved into a more sophisticated creature.

Now you have IGTV, lives, stories and even Reels!!!!!!!

Soon there will be a Instagram Guides feature, whereby you can create visual guides on Instagram, this is one feature I am so excited for and keep an eye out on my blog where I will fill you in on it’s new features.

Another feature that is up and coming is a way to make for example your IGTV post shoppable , followers will be able to click on your post and buy from the brand.

These 2 features are already available to some accounts but not the general instagram population.

Most importantly if the Instagram app has rolled out all these features, rest assured that they want you to use them.

The platform has totally EVOLVED and it’s time to break out of the old basic ways of posting on Instagram.

Increase Instagram posting frequency

The algorithm analyses your content and pushes it to those that are interested.

Posting more will allow you to gain greater reach and the algorithm will give you bigger chances to reach more accounts.

Posting more times a week will also help you understand what kind of content your followers enjoy. This will help you understand what works and what doesn’t.

If your audience sees you everyday , if you think about it marketing wise, you will stay fresh in their mind, whereas if you post less often they will forget you.

The same goes for the algorithm, the algorithm needs to be able to pick up data about your posts so that it can recommend you to accounts who will enjoy your content.

Remember Instagrams ultimate goal is to KEEP USERS ON THE PLATFORM FOR THE MOST AMOUNT OF TIME, which in turns means more ads and more revenue.

Track your Instagram analytics

This point is the key to growth rely entirely on metrics, check regularly how posts perform as this will allow you to gain priceless information.

In turn, by following the metrics you will see that wonderful organic growth you yearn.

I hope you enjoyed this post about the 10 Instagram tips you can’t afford to ignore, to grow organically on instagram.

All the latest Instagram updates can be found on their blog.

Which method do you see yourself implementing? Comment below and let me know.

I’m not going to get into what not to do on Instagram, but you may be interested in the 10 biggest mistakes you could be making on Instagram, that could be destroying your growth.



  1. Huib
    October 7, 2020 / 2:01 pm

    Hi Vanity Owl,
    Great post!
    Many thanks for sharing this.
    It is very informative and from an authoritative source.

    • vanityowl
      February 13, 2021 / 10:18 am

      Thank you dear. It means a lot.

  2. Jo
    October 7, 2020 / 2:02 pm

    Hi Vanity Owl,
    Thank You for sharing – have started to make some changes already…. much appreciated.

    • vanityowl
      February 13, 2021 / 10:18 am

      Brilliant let me know how you get on.


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