When choosing an aesthetic practitioner the last thing you want to do is go and visit just anyone. I am going to share my SY Clinic lip filler experience in London.
I was kindly invited to visit the SY Clinic in Harley Street in Central London.

If you rather watch my SY Clinic lip filler vlog experience on YouTube.

Where is SY Clinic located?
SY Clinic have 3 different clinic locations in Leicester, Surrey and Central London.
I visited the clinic on Harley Street.
The SY Clinic in Harley Street is located at:
2 Harley Street

What was the SY Clinic lip filler consultation process?
The aesthetic practitioner welcomed me in his office and sat me down to have my initial consultation.
He took a good look at my features. When addressing symmetry he displayed poise and mannerism which was outstanding.
He was able to pin point the size imbalance in my lips.
Hence, we were going to do the lip filler procedure and he would attempt to correct the lip imbalance.
My Lips before the procedure
These below are my lips before the procedure. If you focus one side is thicker than the other on the right hand side.

I was particularly intrigued how he was able to explain the issue without making me feel inadequate.
He explained what procedure would bring out more balance in my natural features.
It was impressive how small amounts of filler can tweak appearance in a positive way.
Complications assessment
We went through all the outlined possible complications that in very few cases can occur prior to having the procedure done.
How much does the filler cost?
The cost of 1ml of Revolax is £180.
Procedure Method for the SY Clinic lip filler
The procedure was explained thoroughly to me and what filler would be used.
I was advised that less than 1ml would be needed to balance my lips and give them a much more desirable look.
The practicioner injected primarily the right side of my lip to make it’s shape closer to my left side.
He made sure he contoured my lips with the filler and gave my bottom lip a boost in the middle section.
He used a mixture of different techniques and injected different areas to make the lip more symmetrical.
The feeling was exactly that of a slight sting and I personally did not feel pain.
To be honest, I feel he had quite a soft touch injecting unlike others who can be heavy handed.
Which injectable filler was used?
The injectable filler type used was Revolax.
The lip filler results
The lips were augmented to create the perfect lip.
The improvement in my lips was instant as I had a big lip to start off with, but if you have thinner lips you may need to gradually build them up.

Note that they are seriously swollen both in my YouTube video and pictures as I just had the lip filler injected. This is normal, it’s your body’s natural reaction to being injected.
Post treatment advice guidelines
Post treatment includes no drinking alcohol, no smoking and a few more recommendations which include resting and no make-up.
Future planning lip filler maintenance
Future planning includes solely maintenance which can vary between people (8-14months).
This entirely depends on how your body metabolises the filler.
Post filler effects
Depending on how your body reacts to the filler and also the needle going into the lip area , bruising and tenderness can vary.
In my case, as you can see from my YouTube blog and my daily shots I had minimal bruising.
In regards, to swelling one side was more swollen than the other especially the first 4 days as I had a slight lip imbalance so more was injected on my right side.
The below collage is a 7 day picture log of how my lips were healing after having had lip filler.

As the swelling subsided by day 7 I decided to recreate a Bratz doll look since I had the lips to go with it.

Final Verdict
I can happily say that I was happy with all the information and options the aesthetic consultant provided me with.
The procedure in itself was like that of a sting as the needle penetrates the lip.
I could already see a huge difference eventhough my lips were extremely swollen.
It’s now exactly a week since I had them done and they seem to have mostly healed and with make-up bruising is not visible.

As the practicioner taught me, less is more. I had less than one ml injected but the difference was huge.
I am extremely happy at how well the filler has taken to my lips giving me the look I had in mind.
I was particularly impressed that I wasn’t advised to do procedures which I didn’t need for monetary gain.
I am happy to have had the chance to be given a lip makeover by the lip bae King.
Beware though not every body heals the same way so make sure to listen to the possible side effects you may encounter.
Lip filler risk consideration
Every procedure carries risks. I urge you to take it into consideration so it’s not a decision to be taken lightly.
Remember that fillers are temporary and the body disposes of them in its own time.
This way unfortunately can cause you asymmetry.
Hence, if you were to decide to have your lips augmented you have to consider the fact that maintenance is a must.
My decision to have a cosmetic procedure was one that I didn’t take lightly and even though this is a collaboration I made sure to check the practitioner credentials and expertise.
At the end of the day this is my body and it’s important to choose the right clinicians to have a safe experience and desirable results.
If you would like to know why I decided to have lip filler, feel free to ask me to do a post on the matter.
My Lips a year on
My lips a year on without any top ups, still look incredible.
I barely lost any size and I am shocked that I haven’t needed a refill.
Here is a recent picture of my lips:

Although this post is a sponsored post, all opinions are my own and truthful.
Would you like to know about more cosmetic procedures? How do you feel about them?
Make sure to follow SYCLINIC on instagram.
This is their website with pricing for the different procedures.
If you want to learn the secret on how to get clear skin to match your perfect pout read my clear skin secret post.