If you’ve landed on this page is because after the nub theory , you may want to apply the skull theory gender prediction for early gender prediction of you baby

We are all probably dying to know if our little one is a boy or girl.
Some of us are more patient than others when it comes to this but I know I couldn’t wait to know.
When can I apply the skull theory?
The skull theory gender prediction can be used anytime before the 20 week scan. They even say as soon as a few weeks in pregnancy.
What does the skull gender theory look at?
This theory is based on observing the shape, size and skull features of the baby’s skull from your ultrasound scan pictures.
Best way to determine gender with the skull theory
The following factors are important when determining the gender:
- The position of the baby
- A profile view of the baby
- An accurate clear ultrasound scan picture
Boy skull vs Girl skull
The skull gender theory claims to be able to identify gender by how blocky, rounded, large, small the baby’s skull is.
Boys tend to have larger and block type skulls compared to girls.
Girls tend to have more rounded skull and smaller ones compared to boy’s skulls.
To determine gender, The Gender Experts use the following criteria:
- (A)The male cranial mass is blockier and more massive compared to the females, which is rounder and tapers at the top.
- (B)Temporal Ridge – this runs along the outer side of the upper skull creating the square shape of the upper head. More prominent in men than women.
- (C) A woman’s supraorbital margin (the ridge above the eyes) is sharper, while the males are round and dull.
- (D) The Zygomatic bone (the cheekbone that lies under the lower eye ridge) is more pronounced on the male skull.
- (E) The Mandible (lower jaw) bone of a woman is rounded, while the male’s is squared.
- (F) Frontal bone forehead structure terminates at the brow. The male forehead is lower and more sloping.
- (G) Men have a deeper cranial mass.
- (H)The superciliary arch is large and pronounced in the man.
- (I) A males gonion (the most posterior inferior point on the angle of mandible) is more flared out and sharply angled.
- (J)The teeth of men tend to be larger.
How accurate is the skull theory?
It claims to be 70-95% accurate however, there is no scientific research that backs it up.
My experience applying the skull theory to my scan
I put my first borns scan next to my current pregnancy scan.
The two skulls look completely different. My first pregnancy scan, the skull looks very feminine in it’s features. However, look at my current scan for my second pregnancy. The skull looks more bulky and masculine.
Are these true or myths? I can’t wait to find out.

If you enjoyed this post why not check out my post on gender prediction the nub theory boy or girl.
Did you try out the skull theory gender prediction? Comment below and let me know your experiences.