How we found out we were pregnant with the First response early result pregnancy test

My fiancée really wanted another child so we started trying for a baby as soon as we could, thinking it may take a long time, this is how we found out we were pregnant with the first response early result pregnancy test.

According to my internet searches and the doctor it can take up to a year to conceive so we thought we had plenty of time.

How we found out we were pregnant with the First response early result pregnancy test

We both exercise and eat healthy. We have a great BMI and I decided to start taking my folic acid as soon as we started trying for a baby.

I am not a doctor but I am just sharing my experience.

There is no point testing before your missed period as tempting as it may be.

I was having symptoms as soon as two weeks after we started trying, but I didn’t think I could possibly be pregnant.

Because of the multiple symptoms I was experiencing we bought the First response early result pregnancy test.

It promises to give a result within 3 minutes and for it to be 99% accurate.

The contents of the First response early result pregnancy test kit

The First response pregnancy kit contained two pregnancy sticks and an instruction manual.

Why choose the First response early result pregnancy test kit

Firstly, this is a quick and accurate at home pregnancy test which takes only 3 minutes.

It is very easy two read. One line means NOT PREGNANT and two lines means PREGNANT.

It promises to be 99% accurate.

How early can you test for pregnancy?

You can test as early as 6 days before your missed period. However, I waited till the day after I missed my period as I didn’t want to wait the test and I didn’t want any false results.

How much does this pregnancy test retail for?

These retail at only £7.45 and Amazon prime offers next day free delivery too.

How to use the First response early result pregnancy test kit

As soon as you wake up for your first morning pee, pee on the pregnancy stick and wait for three minute.

Voilà may your wishes be fulfilled.

My experience using the First response early result pregnancy test kit

I really recommend the first response early result pregnancy test as it is extremely easy to use.

So what we did was test my first morning pee , I went to the bathroom and thought I would have to wait 3 minutes.

Boy was I wrong the test showed positive in a matter of seconds. It showed two clear red lines!!!!

I tested the day after my period was due, if you are curious. The results were as clear as day.

How we found out we were pregnant with the First response early result pregnancy test review

My hand was shaking I couldn’t hardly believe it. I called him in to see the results and we were just full of emotions.

It is a moment I will never forget because the happiness we experienced was unmatched.

How we found out we were pregnant with the First response early result pregnancy test

We then went out to take take some pictures of this special day as well as celebrate this life milestone.

We went for a walk on the lake and to be honest it felt so surreal.

How we found out we were pregnant with the First response early result pregnancy test review

It has been such a blessing and a whole load of emotions. These are the first roses he got me as we found out about the baby.

How we found out we were pregnant with the First response early result pregnancy test

If you enjoyed this post why not read My experience Pregnancy First trimester and symptoms.

How was your experience finding out you were pregnant?Comment below and let me know.


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