Announcing to the world you are pregnant can be exciting, overwhelming or even the best experience, here is my cute pregnancy announcement idea.
But which cute pregnancy announcement idea could you go for to announce to your friends and loved ones that you are pregnant!
This was my favourite shot, to celebrate this journey we are on!!! Omg!!!! We are expecting a baby!!!!

I scoured the internet and Pinterest for ideas and this was my favourite choice to announce our pregnancy.
I loved the idea of self explanatory Mom and dad caps. Etsy was a great shopping location for this idea.
However, I noticed that most cap sets were very pricey and over the £20 mark. Until I can across BVisibleActivewear, they did customisable mom and dad caps for pregnancy announcement for only £5.95.

I opted for the navy blue personalised DAD cap, obviously for daddy to be.

For me the mommy to be, I chose the light pink personalised MOM cap.

This brought me to a grand total of £11.90, inclusive of taxes and delivery costs!!!! What a bargain!!!
The only criticism I have is that I had no idea how the end design would look so I literally took a gamble.
I wish there was an option to see the end design before you order inclusive of the font used.
Luckily, I was very happy with the end product when it arrived.

The back of the caps are Velcro and the quality is fair considering the price.

We had the perfect location in mind and we came up with some super cute pregnancy announcement shots and pose ideas.
You can easily recreate these with your Mom and dad caps.
Start off by choosing your favourite background view.
This first shot is let your pregnancy secret out with a hint of privacy about dad.

The second is one that is super cute and doesn’t show any faces.

The next, shows again no faces and recreating a heart on your pregnancy bump.

This other one I love, looking in the distance and announcing to the world our pregnancy.

And this is an idea with your partner embracing you, since you are expecting!!! Just so romantic.

I would say that overall it was a huge success.
Which was your favourite pose idea? Comment below and let me know in the comments section.
If you would like to know how we found out we were pregnant click here.