At the 36 week mark, you will have a growth scan to assess the baby’s growth and position, this what to expect at your 36 week growth scan appointment.

It can be quite an overwhelming experience if you worry a lot about your baby.
Yet, it is such an important appointment to attend as they will be able to determine if the pregnancy is progressing as it should in terms of the baby’s growth, placenta functioning and baby’s position.
I can’t believe I reached 36 weeks already and look at my bump.

How to prepare for the 36 week growth scan
I would suggest you bring your maternity notes and makes sure you go hydrated to your appointment.

The appointment
You arrive at your designated Fetal Medicine unit and check in.

The sonographer will call you in and you will be asked to lay on the bed.
They will apply the ultrasound gel and check the baby’s growth by assessing all their measurements.
They will check the placenta and if it’s working well.
They will also confirm the positioning of the baby. Our baby was the right way round hence upside down.
It is so lovely to see that cute mushy face on the screen after so long.
With the measurement the sonographer will be able to calculate the baby’s approximate weight and mine came up as average.
The sonographer will give a detailed report with it’s findings.
They will also give you a picture of the baby and allow you to film a bit of the ultrasound video.

Should anything be outside the norm they will tell you there an then and refer you for further testing and assessment.
This is a video of how the appointment was if you prefer videos instead.
How did you find your 36 week growth appointment? Comment below and let me know.