With Valentine’s day round the corner why not download some free Valentines day screensavers and wallpapers.
You have the option to choose between 20+ Valentines day inspired screensavers and wallpapers.
These Valentines day designs are suitable for everyone. Why not share these with your lovers, friends and family?
These wwere created using the Canva application which offers the best design options.
How can I use these free Valentines day screensavers?
Simply long click on the image you want to download and it shall give you the option to save and even share these designs.
If you are trying to download these free Valentines day screensavers and wallpapers left click on your mouse and choose the option to download them.
The designs are free and can be used as:
- Wallpapers
- Screensavers
- Send over WhatsApp to your loved ones
- Share over social media
- Share as love quotes
Valentines day wishes downloads
Happy Valentines day wishes
This Happy Valentines wishes design is simple yet beautiful. Shower your loved ones with cute valentines day designs.

Another, beautiful Happy Valentines day design fit for this love infused day.

If you are a neon lover! This Valentines day neon design is sure to spruce up your phone during this festivity.

The best thing about love is that love can it is limitless!

If like me you are of the opinion that the heart wants what it wants this Valentines day screensavers and wallpapers will surely make it in your downloads list.

Love knows no boundaries so love hard always!

When missing your families or partners, don’t forget that this love quote is very significant! Home is where the heart is..

Let’s not forget the pure love that our pets are able to give us, a love that is so sincere. I am all for celebrating the love for our loving pets this Valentines day!

Wether you have a dog, a cat, a bird, a reptile, it doesn’t matter! Our pets are special too.

Cute Valentines day screensavers and wallpapers
Use these cute Valentines day screensavers and wallpapers to even send as wishes or share as love quotes.

How adorable is this romantic love honey bee design? This is the best free cute love quote design to download.

Best love and Valentines day screensavers and wallpapers
Set your device up with most adorable valentines day screensavers.
This simple red and white screensaver is ideal.

Another pretty valentines day inspired wallpaper and screensaver.

Your phone or tablet will be in theme with this love season.

Here is a love bear and chocolate love screensaver perfect for valentines day.

Romantic love quotes
How romantic are these screensavers. I love you to the moon and back. Send this to your loved ones.

Another romantic free download for any time. Romantic love quotes that are timeless.

Have you ever met someone you instantly loved. Well why not send them this cute love quote.

Self love quotes, screensavers and wallpapers
Love doesn’t include only loving others but it is so important to love yourself first.
Self-love is at the essence of our being.

If you or anyone you know ever felt they weren’t enough, let them know they are enough!
We are all special and unique in our own way! Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.

Get cheeky with this funny love quote, we all have that cupcake in our life!

Ask someone to be yours with this cute Valentines day screensaver.

I hope you enjoyed all these designs, I’m a big fan of easy to download seasonal wishes and designs.
For more designs Vanity Owl Design’s offers great cheap Instagram highlight covers too.
If you are looking for beautifully designed Instagram highlight covers check out my free Instagram highlight covers post.
Which were your favourite free Valentines day screensavers and wallpapers?